
Gear Grinding Wheels

Depending on the application and the machines used, for gear grinding Molemab can offer spir or single profile wheels. To match the complete range of wheels for gear grinding we can also provide wheels for grinding gears for pumps and oleodynamic engines.


Titan X – A revolution has arrived in precision grinding applications.

The philosophy of Titan-X line revolves around innovation, technology, and excellence in the field of manufacturing and machining solutions.
Surface Grinding
External Grinding
ID Grinding

Centerless Grinding Wheels

Centerless grinding allows to work with high precision cylindrical pieces in different diameters. The piece to be machined is held with the rotation axis parallel to the two wheels and this allows high stock removal combined with high precision and low tolerances.

Conventional grinding wheels
CBN Vetrified
Resinoid bond grinding wheels
Centerless grinding wheels
Centerless grinding wheels

Camshaft & Crankshaft Wheel

The need for lower fuel consumption, weight reduction, and better performance has driven the automotive camshaft market away from traditional cast-iron shafts and toward assembled or composite shafts. Crankshaft grinding is certainly one of the most complicated operations to deal with because of the different surfaces to be machined, and the difficulty of the lubricant to reach the contact point between the workpiece and the grinding wheel, but Molemab has been able to overcome these problems by developing high-performance specifications and binders. 

CBN vitrified for Camshaft grinding
CBN vitrified for Crankshaft grinding
Camshaft grinding

CBN Vitrified Grinding Wheels

In the field of super abrasives, vitrified bond diamond grinding wheels are a recent development. The market demands long-life tools, no longer made of HSS but of tungsten carbide. To machine this material, tool makers need grinding wheels with very high cutting edge, capable of quickly removing harder and harder materials with tighter tolerances. Cubic boron nitride ranks second on the hardness scale of known materials. When compared with conventional abrasives, CBN has significant advantages in the critical factors of an abrasive: hardness thermal and chemical resistance. What characterizes Molemab is the ability to be able to determine the characteristics of the abrasive and match it with the vitrified binder that best suits the required application.

Carbon fiber grinding wheel bodies
Grinding wheels for prosthesis
Microfinishing grinding wheels

Internal Grinding Wheel

Molemab is able to produce a wide range of grinding wheels for bore grinding. Our customers can choose between different technologies: wheels in conventional abrasive, vitrified CBN or electroplated CBN

Diamond Dressing Tools

In all grinding operations, a proper dressing process is most important for obtaining maximum grinding wheel performance and optimum machining parameters on the workpiece.

Diamond rolls
Conventional grinding wheels dressing
Multiple dressers